About Somerset Estate

Somerset Tea Estate is located in the beautiful western hills of central Sri Lanka. Since the establishment of this tea estate in 1880, the highest quality tea in the world has been produced here. Due to the high altitude (2000 meters), the tea grown here is classified as Ceylon High Grown Dimbula. During the dry season, which lasts from January to March, the finest tea leaves are picked, from which an exquisite tea is produced.

The tea garden consists of a combination of 49% old seedlings of Chinese Jat tea bushes and 51% VP bushes (vegetatively propagated). The bushes are mainly high quality varieties that produce exceptional tea.

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Sustainable agriculture

Somerset Estate is committed to sustainability and environmentally friendly farming practices. They strive to minimize their impact on the environment and preserve biodiversity. This includes using organic fertilizers, minimizing the use of pesticides, and implementing water management systems to efficiently use natural resources.


Tourist attractions

In addition to the beautiful tea gardens, Somerset Estate also offers several tourist attractions. Visitors can take part in guided tours of the tea plantations, where they can learn more about the process of tea plucking and processing.

For tea lovers, Somerset Estate also offers the opportunity to experience the different flavors and aromas of their teas through tea tastings. Visitors can sample a range of teas, from classic black teas to sophisticated green and white teas. This is a great opportunity to discover the unique characteristics and quality of Somerset Estate's teas.

Tea from Nuwara Eliya

Green tea gardens stretch over the hills in Nuwara Eliya as far as the eye can see. The name Nuwara Eliya translates as "City of Light" or "City of Eternal Spring". The fresh air and the altitude of 1890 meters above sea level make Nuwara Eliya a peaceful haven, far away from the hustle and bustle of sultry Colombo. It is said that "Nuwara Eliya is to Ceylon tea what champagne is to French wine." Indeed, this region is a tea paradise, with exceptional teas that are comparable in taste to exquisite champagne and leave a lasting impression.

Give back in a variety of ways.

To ensure the quality of the finest tea in the world, hard work is done every day on the tea plantations and in the factories. These people have a passion for tea and are at the heart of our business. Without them, we could not exist.

There are many reports about the poor living conditions, low wages and exploitation of workers on tea plantations in Sri Lanka. Recently, the English newspaper The Guardian did an extensive research on the undignified conditions on Sri Lanka's tea plantations. It is good that attention is finally being paid to this issue, as it shows the importance of Dilmah's efforts to change this. From the very beginning, Merill J. Fernando's goal has been to be a good employer whose profits can benefit everyone involved in the tea picking community.

A better world for all

A Cup of Kindness, in every sense of the word. When you choose Dilmah tea, you are taking a step in the right direction to break neocolonial chains. Not only are you supporting the country with your purchase, but you are also enjoying honest and delicious tea yourself. Experience Dilmah tea and taste the difference.